Get Real Series Week 1 from Shawn Gray on Vimeo.
This is highlights from October 7th. This is week one of the Get Real series that we will be in for the month of October. We talked about what it means to Get Real. Hope you can make to the rest.
Get Real Series Week 1 from Shawn Gray on Vimeo.
Fork or Spoon from Shawn Gray on Vimeo.
"and Jesus sat on them...and Jesus entered Jerusalem." - Matthew 21:17,18
Remember, Jesus had freed a donkey tied to a post. He took an ordinary, discarded, unappreciated animal, freed it from it's bondage and gave him the privilege of carrying the Lord of all creation. Simply put, He made the donkey extraordinary. So because of this awesome gift, we then out of love and gratitude, carry Christ every where we go. The problem comes when we get tired of carrying Him. I mean face it, He just gets heavy at times.
Now that I live in Colorado I've had many opportunities to climb mountains. Brook and I will be climbing Pikes Peak this summer. It is sixteen miles to the top. I can't imagine carrying Brook to the top. That would be a climb I don't believe I could finish.
However, that's our purpose. We will face mountains and valleys, yet we are to carry Christ up and through them all.
Sometimes we go places that God is not welcome. So we kindly ask him to dismount, taking a rope and tying Him to the post outside to wait. What a sight. The very one who freed us, gave us a purpose, took us from an ordinary existence and made us extraordinary, we tie to a post.
Seems crazy right. Yet we do it every day. People who know that when they are a Christ-carrier there are certain places they can't go and certain thing they can not do, yet they exclude Christ from their life when they tie Him to a post, taking an extraordinary God and making Him ordinary.